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June 18, 2019 at 1:00:01 PM
Save the Date- July 13th
We will open up registration for The Draft Day BIG MONEY Tourney and Bash sponsored by Knabe Woodwork after the Conference Championship
Will be a backyard BYOB Cornhole Event with swimming, bags, beverages and BBQ
Open Singles - Limited to the first 24 Players $50 per player
"B" Doubles and below (event is open to any player NOT an "A" player.
Can only play in one event for the day.
At Dusk we will have a Live Top 60 Draft where the 5 Top 60 Captains will draft their Team in front of a live audience at the event and online.
Time: Noon until 1am
Where: 900 Hat Creek Ct Bartonville, TX
More Details to come....
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